Main / Blog and News / "ID Financial Technologies" Announces the End of Development and Implementation of Doc Hub Platform for Automation of Documentation Processing and Management

"ID Financial Technologies" Announces the End of Development and Implementation of Doc Hub Platform for Automation of Documentation Processing and Management

Doc Hub is a platform for automation of processing and management of documentation involved in the business processes.

The platform offers the following features:

  • Description of business processes is based on the Business Process Modeling principles with possibility to add new objects that feature unique way of processing via the graphic interface.
  • Allocated storage of big objects / documents, for example, scan copies, images, messages (including the encrypted ones).
  • Compilation and delivery of objects via various protocols: HTTP, MQ, JMS, FTP, etc.
  • Integration with the organization's services up to the level of business process elements.
  • API for integrating business processes with external service providers (Credit brokers, credit bureaus, Federal Bailiff Service, etc.)