Main / Services / Consulting on Implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology (Agile and Scrum)

Consulting on Implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology (Agile and Scrum)

We provide consulting on the methodology of building a software development system based on the Agile principles: forming a team, evaluation of tasks' labour intensity, sprint planning, retrospection. We guide the implementation project until our client achieves consistent successfull results.

Implementing Agile Software Development

We offer training in the following processes:

  • writing User stories;
  • drawing up project's backlog;
  • analysing application efficiency and perfomance;
  • demonstrating functional growth as a result of each iteration;
  • sustaining a continuous feedback from clients;
  • working process flexibility allowing fast reaction to new requirements for business growth.


Agile methodology builds workflow using the iteration principles. An iteration is a short cycle form 2 to 4 weeks long. The result of the team's work is an actual functional growth of the product. An iteration consists of the following steps:

  • planning
  • requirements analysis
  • designing
  • development
  • testing
  • documenting



SCRUM is an approach based on the Agile principles and offering a defined wholesome structure and consecutive workflow.

Our specialists conduct full working with SCRUM training, including:

  • team forming specifics;
  • assigning roles for team members;
  • designing a User story;
  • evaluation of tasks' labour intensity;
  • visualization (working with Kanban board);
  • essentials on planning, grooming and retrospection.


We perform training starting with the methodology basics and supporting the theory with practical work on active projects and consulting during the implementation of new methodology in the client's organization.

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